Sunday, November 26, 2017

Comparison of the Hungarian Film Industry and Hollywood

Comparison of the Hungarian Film Industry and Hollywood,
and is this even a Relevant Topic?

A lot of people think Hollywood is the only place on Earth that is capable of producing movies, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
 We usually know about the British and the French film industry, but what about the Hungarian? Is there even a room for comparison?
Let’s start where it all began, at the dawn of the 20th century.
            Even though we take movies from Hollywood for granted today, this absolute juggernaut of entertainment has only been around for 107 years. Despite the fact they started producing movies in 1901 Hollywood became the World’s movie capital by 1920.
The increasing quality and the sheer number pictures produced took the world by storm. The 20th  century’s advancements in broadcasting gave Hollywood the opportunity to reach a global audience, and they have been keeping that audience to this day.
Existing in a very different economic and political atmosphere than Hungary, the only limitation on the studios was the depth of the investors’ wallet.
On the other hand, the Hungarian film industry had humble beginnings. The very first pieces of visual entertainment created in the country were news reports in 1896. These reports sparked a widespread public interest in films and movie making, and so, in 1901 the first Hungarian cinematography institute was founded by Zsitovszky Béla.
From this point on the movie industry gained more and more relevancy.
Even today, the audience of these films is mostly Hungarian. This doesn’t mean that they had no success abroad. They won several awards and amongst them 4 Oscars (1981 A légy, 1982 Mephisto, 2016 Saul fia, 2017 Mindenki)
Despite all these achievements, the country’s movies always lacked two key ingredients. Sufficient financial backing (from the state or investors) and well equipped studios.
Both of these problems have been solved. Through significant financial backing from the state in form of the Nemzeti Filmalap, and through decades of slow development. We could confidently say the crown jewel, and prime example of this progress is the new Blade runner movie that –apart from post production- was made here.
            Is this a relevant topic then? I don’t know, but whether there is relevancy to be found or not, it is undeniable that there is potential. Hungary has the history, the will and the means to enrich the artform with its creations, and even compete with Hollywood in its own way.

Bálint Surman; Csaba Katona

Money cannot buy happiness

Happiness bears a different meaning for people from all walks from life. There goes a certain misconception that the rich must be happier than the poor, however, this is not always the case. This essay is devoted to justify the saying “money cannot buy happiness” and show that those can live a full life who can barely make ends meet, too.

Someone who was born into a rich family will certainly perceive things differently than someone who was not: growing up, they will learn that everything can be solved through financial means, and there is no need for hard work to achieve success. Furthermore, wealth influences personal relationships as well. Rich people are more likely to be surrounded by “influential people” rather than close friends they can trust. Since everything is a given, they do not know what real value is, every single object can be tossed away and be replaced by another.

On the other hand, in a family that can barely make ends meet, children know that if they want something, they have to work for it persistently. As they are not likely to be taken advantage of, they can trust most of their friends, unafraid of being deceived. Although affording anything will always be a trouble, it teaches them of value and to appreciate everything that life has given them.

All in all, it is certain that money is not necessary to live a happy and fulfilled life, though it can define what kind of person everyone is growing to be.

Batonai Alexandra
Urbán Nikolett

Marriage vs. Cohabitation

Marriage - the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. This is what the dictionary says,but what does it mean in real life? Does it even mean something today? In the previous generation and in ours marriage started to look like a smelly old sock that only the desperate people wear. In our days everything in the world tries to tell you one thing : YOU. You are important,your needs are more important than others,the meaning of your life is to find what makes you happy. Marriage does not fit into this view. Because marriage is about the complete opposite : making the other person happy,put the other persons needs ahead of yours. Of course this won’t work in a one-sided way. This is why a lot of people dissapoint in marriage – because it only works in a one-sided way or there is selfishness. Marriage must be ended by a formal, legal divorce or annulment process that can be costly, time consuming, complicated, and emotionally draining.

Cohabitation is a form of living together in a sexual relationship for couples who do not wish to undertake the legal proceedings of marriage. Nowadays it is a popular form of living together, maybe it is a trick for the couples. They would rather cohabit before marriage and try how could they live together. But if its works maybe they do not need any paper to show how strong their relationship. Or if it is not, the lack of the paper makes easier for the partners to walk out of the relationship owing to he or she is not obliged to the other. Some people cohabit simply to save money or because they're already spending a lot of time at each other's places. Some other advantage of cohabitation is that it lowers the cost of living just like in marriage. And it also means emotion support and sexual relations without the commitment of marriage. Cohabitations are usually short-lived, furthermore, unmarried partners get limited support and protection from the government. 

( Nemes Gyöngyvér, Szijjártó Réka)

E-book vs real book

E-book vs a real book
Is it better to read on an e-book reader or using a real book instead? This problem is really common nowadays as more and more things are  replaced by electric devices. Both of them have advantages but disadvantages as well so listing them precisely and comparing can help to choose between the two.
First of all, portability must be mentioned. Real books can be really heavy, especially when more than one have to be carried and they contain hundreds or thousands of pages. They can be damaged easily, even from a small force (a dropped bag or a collision with a person). However, and e-book reader is much lighter and thinner. A protective case is highly recommended for the device, as this way it is safe to carry it anywhere.
Secondly, financials are a really important point of choosing between the two. An average book costs about 3000 to 4000 forints. If someone is an average bookworm, who likes to read but not obsessively then he or she reads about 2-3 books in a month, which means minimum 6000 forints per month. The lowest price of an e-book reader is about 20000 forints and thousand books can be downloaded to it, which means its cost returns fast. But an important disadvantage is that there are still a lot of books which can not be found in an e-book format, unfortunately.
Last but not least, there is an aspect that is really important for pure book lovers, which is the feeling. Buying a new, crunchy book, holding it as carefully as people hold a newborn baby, opening it for the first time and inhaling that ’’book smell” are things which are too gentle to leave behind for a long time. That one second of pushing the power button on an e-book reader can not be compared to this.
All in all, the reason why it is really hard to choose between the two is that both of them have really strong and significant benefits but also disadvantages, but by listing them, it becomes more clear which one is better for a person’s needs.

Hellenpárt Anna & Gór Eszter 

Turkish Universities vs. Hungarian Universities with Seden Demiral

COMPARISON & CONTRAST PARAGRAPH THESIS: There are two important differences between Turkish and Hungarian universities. I CRITERION 1:Both are have different homework system. A. Subject 1 i. Detail/Example:In Hungary, there are usually many quizzes, tests, and homework assignments. ii. Detail/Example:In Turkey the given assignments are not check by the teacher . B. Subject 2 i. Detail/Example: In Hungar, you get your points on homework. ii. Detail/Example:In Turkey, the scores you will receive depend only on the exams. II CRITERION 2: Both are have different course duration. A. Subject 1 i. Detail/Example: In Hungarian, each lesson takes one and a half hours. ii. Detail/Example: Each lesson takes fifty minutes and according to course credit, ıt can be two lesson or even can be four. B. Subject 2 i. Detail/Example: In Hungary, one and half and hour is sufficient for the course. ii. Detail/Example: In Turkey, course hours vary depending on course credit CONCLUSION: . To sum up, Turkish universities and Hungarian universities differ in terms of homework and the course duration.

There are two important differences between Turkish and Hungarian universities. To begin with, in Hungarian universities, there are usually many quizzes, tests, and homework assignments, that every students has to do for every week. In addition you even get your points on homework. On the contrary, in Turkey the given assignments are not check by the teacher and the scores you will receive depend only on the midterm and final exams. Furthermore, in the Hungarian system, each lesson takes one and a half hours and this period is sufficient for the course. Yet, ın Turkey, course hours vary depending on course credit. Each lesson takes fifty minutes and according to course credit, ıt can be two lesson or even can be four. To sum up, Turkish universities and Hungarian universities differ in terms of homework and the course duration..

Cinema or Theatre?

  • tickets
  • clothing
  • mood
  • live playing/recorded movie
 In general, cinema tickets are cheaper. There are cases when people get cheap theatre tickets, but it is usually known to be more expensive. In cinemas every ticket is in the same price category, if people want to sit at the top they will pay the same amount as the one who only could get a ticket for a bottom seat. In theatres the price depends on how good is the seat. At the back it will be really cheap, sometimes cheaper than a cinema ticket. One more advantage of cinemas that nobody cares about clothing, an everyday wear is perfect for going to the cinema and watching a film. In theatres nice clothing is an expectation. But the these two forms of entertainment have one big main difference, the mood. While in the cinema most people just watch the film and go home, theatres have energy, they go there to charge up a little bit. It is live played in front of the watcher and because of this every play can be different, every actor can play differently. It is always exciting to see the same play over and over again and realising new differencies. A movie will always be the same. 

Source: Google Images (the theatre on the picture is the
Comedy Theatre of Budapest)

(Rádi Réka, I did not have a pair)

Films and books

        Both films and books have good effects on people and help to develop their skills. One of these similarities is that learning a language is easier, if you use books or films. Nowadays, thanks to technology, almost every film can be watched online in different languages; according to what language people want to learn or listen to. There are also subtitles to films which make them much easier to understand. The same experienced with books; books, which are known worldwide, can be found almost in every language. Of course, there are different dictionaries, which also help. Moreover, developing imagination and thoughts are not negligible. Science-fiction films show people places, effects and lands which can be never seen in reality. In addition, real life crime movies/crime series, for example CSI, make people think. The same thing happens by reading books; the reader cannot see what is told in a novel, people have to use their own imagination. Communication skills and vocabulary are also developed by movies and reading. In films there are different kinds of dialogues and debates from different stages of society. The same happens with the books; people can read dialogues from dramas like Romeo and Juliet, and learn archaic words from poems. In conclusion, films and books have also many advantages, and it can be a great benefit and pleasure if people spend time with reading or watching movies in order to develop themselves.

Rostoványi Barbara & Móricz Gréta

Jeans vs. Sweatpants (with Áron Hoffmann)

Jeans vs. sweatpants

Sweatpants are probably the most comfortable pants ever, but if it comes to fashion, well they are probably not the best choice one can make. They were originally created for athletes and coaches, so they would have something comfortable to wear when training, but now most people own at least a pair of them, they have become the most popular home wear over the years. The other type of trousers I want to talk about is jeans. They are probably the most commonly worn type of pants nowadays. They look fancy and at the same time they are kind of comfortable, although they are not nearly as comfy as sweatpants. They were originally made for miners and cowboys and later they became a popular wear for everyone. In summary, they are both popular, but for differe reasons.

(My pair is Áron Hoffmann)

Car vs. public transport

Traveling with car or with public transport

Have you ever thought about what means of transport should you choose? Every people use vehicles for transportation. Among many means of transportation, the most common ones are the buses and peoples’ private cars. Many people choose them because of their different aspects of thinking. From a general overview, these aspects are categorized into comfortableness, expensiveness and the effects tot he environment etc. Both ways of transportation has their pros and contras. These properties need to be examined in detail to be able to evaluate the most appropriate means of transportation. One of the areas that one should investigate is the comfortableness of the vehicles. People, of course, would like to use their own cars. Because, they are more comfortable than the public transportation vehicles. People feel more comfortable because there are not any people apart from themselves. They can listen to the radio according to their wish. They do not worry about whether they are standing or sitting. They can make telephone calls in their own cars. They don’t have to wait or catch the buses. When we consider this situation from this aspect, private cars are chosen for transportation. The second point we should compare is the expensiveness. Contrary to comfortableness, when we consider the expensiveness aspect, we conclude that public transportation should be chosen. In as much as, the buses hold and transport more passengers in comparison to the private cars. Thanks to their transportation capacity, energy saving and cheap cost of transportation would be possible with buses and public vehicles. Therefore, staff and personnel transport services and student transport services are performed through these vehicles. Finally, the last comparison point we should mention would be the speed and the traveling time. People got used to that cars are faster than any public transports but that is not true in every case. For instance, in rush hours buses can easily get through the traffic because there are lanes for buses in the motorway as well as in cities, while cars get stuck in the traffic jam. Furthermore, this type of vehicle is delivering ten times more people than a car, so it is more environmentally friendly than cars.As a conclusion, we can say that both kinds of means of transport has its advantages and disadvantages the decision always depends on what is good for the passenger.

Written by: Boglárka Varga , Réka Kecskeméti and Vivien Kiss

Drinking coffee or tea

Drinking coffee or tea
If you need some caffeine after awekening both of them can be a good choice. But which one is better for the health: having a coffee or having a tea in the mornings? There are a lot of researches about their effects, they have different beneficent impacts on the health. Both of them have got advantages and disadvantages as well.
First of all, tea contains less quantity of caffeine than coffee. Its anapeltic effect is the same with the effect of coffee, so there is not a big difference between them from this viewpoint.
Secondly, three cups of tea a day has antiphlogistic impact on human organism. Having a cup of tea regularly helps to prevent stroke and cardiac disease. Moreover, it has a beneficent effect on the circulatory system and memory, because it prevents the old-age forgetfulness. It has some negativ effects. For instance, it discolors teeth so the teeth should be washed after tea or drink a glass of water. From this point of view coffee would be the better choice, because it does not discolor the teeth so much. Tea includes antioxidant, which makes difficult the absorption of iron from plants, so it is recommended to eat vegetables with vitamin C in it.
However, having two or three cups of coffee a day can have beneficent impacts on the human body. It can help to prevent diabetes and cancer. There are a lot of researches about that if we have the proper quantity of caffeine, it can be avoidable memorial problems and Alzheimer-disease.
From an other aspect, it can be found a difference the quality of sleeping after having a tea or a coffee. Maybe it is the biggest difference between them. Those people, who drink coffee, can fall asleep harder. While ”tea-drinkers” can sleep better, tea helps to sleep well at the end of the day, it can be explained by the quantity of the caffeine. Maybe it is better choice from this aspect.
They can be a medicine for the soul. Tea soothes the nerves and it reduces the chance of depression. ”Coffee-drinkers” often feel nervous, but on a long term it has a good effect on the mental health and it also can reduce the chance of depression. 
All in all, some cups of analeptic drink can have great impacts on the health. Either having a coffee or a tea can be a good choice, if you pay enough attention for the quantity. 

Written by: Márton Bolyó and Mariann Mogyorósi