Saturday, November 25, 2017

Religion and Atheism

wrtitten by Makszin Alexandra and Farkas Katalin

For most people in the world, religion is something that guides them in life. These people believe religion is the most important thing in life, something that gives them a reason to live and motivation. But there are other people who are either non-religious or atheists; they are known not to believe in religion but to rely on other things such as science and their own judgement to evaluate things. Religious people follow their life in a particular way by given instructions from what they believe in, whereas non-religious people do not follow their life by any instructions; their life is not influenced by religion in any way but their own choices and opinions. Atheists deny in the existence in a higher power which has created everything around them and given them lives. There is a different way to compare religious and non-religious people for example if we talk about existence itself; religious people believe in an omniscient supernatural power which has created them for a reason and that their existence is important. On the downside, non-religious people do not really believe in the importance of existence and they view their beliefs and answers questions through science; they put their faith into science itself.
Furthermore, all of religious people exercise their faith in God and follow given instructions. We have many religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Muslims; they all follow a concept and had been given instructions which give people a meaning for life and their whole life is based upon them. On the other hand, non-religious people do not follow this given instructions and they answer their questions with their own opinion when it comes to nature and existence. Religious and non-religious people are two independent distinct aspects of life; they live their lives in different ways based on their own opinions or given instructions by their belief. Some people find living life with a religion is much easier and reliable; since religion gives them the opportunity to follow given instructions, it gives them in a way a purpose for their existence. Despite of it, non-religious people find it hard to believe in such a power because there is no proof of its existence; instead of it, they rely on something that is physically there and has been proven to exist because it is more reliable. Therefore a lot of atheists rely on science to answer their questions. However, even great scientists such as Albert Einstein said: “Religion without science is lame, but science without religion is blind.” That quote from Einstein proves that both religion and science co-exist for and are proved for each other.

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