Sunday, November 26, 2017

Drinking coffee or tea

Drinking coffee or tea
If you need some caffeine after awekening both of them can be a good choice. But which one is better for the health: having a coffee or having a tea in the mornings? There are a lot of researches about their effects, they have different beneficent impacts on the health. Both of them have got advantages and disadvantages as well.
First of all, tea contains less quantity of caffeine than coffee. Its anapeltic effect is the same with the effect of coffee, so there is not a big difference between them from this viewpoint.
Secondly, three cups of tea a day has antiphlogistic impact on human organism. Having a cup of tea regularly helps to prevent stroke and cardiac disease. Moreover, it has a beneficent effect on the circulatory system and memory, because it prevents the old-age forgetfulness. It has some negativ effects. For instance, it discolors teeth so the teeth should be washed after tea or drink a glass of water. From this point of view coffee would be the better choice, because it does not discolor the teeth so much. Tea includes antioxidant, which makes difficult the absorption of iron from plants, so it is recommended to eat vegetables with vitamin C in it.
However, having two or three cups of coffee a day can have beneficent impacts on the human body. It can help to prevent diabetes and cancer. There are a lot of researches about that if we have the proper quantity of caffeine, it can be avoidable memorial problems and Alzheimer-disease.
From an other aspect, it can be found a difference the quality of sleeping after having a tea or a coffee. Maybe it is the biggest difference between them. Those people, who drink coffee, can fall asleep harder. While ”tea-drinkers” can sleep better, tea helps to sleep well at the end of the day, it can be explained by the quantity of the caffeine. Maybe it is better choice from this aspect.
They can be a medicine for the soul. Tea soothes the nerves and it reduces the chance of depression. ”Coffee-drinkers” often feel nervous, but on a long term it has a good effect on the mental health and it also can reduce the chance of depression. 
All in all, some cups of analeptic drink can have great impacts on the health. Either having a coffee or a tea can be a good choice, if you pay enough attention for the quantity. 

Written by: Márton Bolyó and Mariann Mogyorósi 

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