Sunday, November 26, 2017

Money cannot buy happiness

Happiness bears a different meaning for people from all walks from life. There goes a certain misconception that the rich must be happier than the poor, however, this is not always the case. This essay is devoted to justify the saying “money cannot buy happiness” and show that those can live a full life who can barely make ends meet, too.

Someone who was born into a rich family will certainly perceive things differently than someone who was not: growing up, they will learn that everything can be solved through financial means, and there is no need for hard work to achieve success. Furthermore, wealth influences personal relationships as well. Rich people are more likely to be surrounded by “influential people” rather than close friends they can trust. Since everything is a given, they do not know what real value is, every single object can be tossed away and be replaced by another.

On the other hand, in a family that can barely make ends meet, children know that if they want something, they have to work for it persistently. As they are not likely to be taken advantage of, they can trust most of their friends, unafraid of being deceived. Although affording anything will always be a trouble, it teaches them of value and to appreciate everything that life has given them.

All in all, it is certain that money is not necessary to live a happy and fulfilled life, though it can define what kind of person everyone is growing to be.

Batonai Alexandra
Urbán Nikolett

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