Saturday, November 25, 2017

Books or films?

Books or films?
     It is very debatable that books or films are better but both of them have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.
      Books have a lot more imaginaries in them than movies have. People just read the words and they can see the whole World in their mind. Everyone who read the same book, imagine locations, the protagonists, and the conversations completely diffently. For instant they can change the main characters to themselves and live their own life in the books. 
    On the other hand, movies can be even more dramatic. If we look at the actor's faces while they are crying or laughing the emotion impact on us are likely to be stronger so it is possible that we start to cry or laugh as well. Watching moovies can be a good programme with our friends, but read a book is a "one person" activity.
    Sometimes it is easier to watch a moovie than read a book. There are several books that have been made into movies. This is especially helpful for people who have difficulties in reading or they are lazy, as watching the moovie as well as reading the book can enhance experience.
    Books and moovies both have equal importance for the man of 21st. century. In our running World,books and moovies provide us the opportunity to relax a little bit and break away from our problems.

Miltényi Rozália &Pásztor Laura

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