Monday, October 30, 2017

The Pixie

  • ·         why I have it
  • ·         what it means
  • ·         outlook - from top to bottom
  • ·         why it is important for me

In my room I have a little figure standing on my desk – a Pixie. This little goblin can be only found in one store that is situated in the city of Eger. This is a special gift given by my mother, which also has a meaning attached to it: harmony. I received it at the beginning of schoolyear, hoping it would bring balance and well-being into my life. This tiny statuette, which is about two inches big, has pale skin, long pointy ears and a wide, cheerful smile. There is an old, blue, patchy elf hat sitting on his head, covering his hair. He is wearing a red, shabby jumper and a just as ragged pair of green trousers. His shoes look just as worn as his other pieces of clothing, and one has a hole in it, revealing his toe. The most special thing about this figure lies in his hands: a small crystal, which is assumed to radiate its good energies. This Pixie has a very special place in my heart. Whenever I feel tired, hopeless and out of motivation, this gift brings me harmony and comfort.

I would like to share some informations about my dog. We bought him on a cold winter day. He was smaller than a mug. We decided to call him Ajax. He is a French bulldog. He was very playful as a puppy, and he haven't changed anything since then, he is still a very kind, lovely, and happy dog. He likes running in the Óbudai Island, he goes out there every day, he loves it, it makes him really happy. He plays with a stick or with his ball every time. But playing with sticks become dangerous for him, he nearly died last week, he was only seconds away from death, but fortunately we could save him. Of course hehas been banned from sticks, we don't allow him to play with them anymore. He will be 6 years old on the 18th of October, so he is still very young. We bought him around Christmas in 2011, so we got him as a present, and every year at Christmas Eve we say that he is a present for us also this year, because he is the loved one of the family, and he loves us too.  I hope I could give a good introduction about my small, lovely dog.

The white clock hanging on my wall

The white clock hanging on my wall
-          -choosing the topic
-         - It’s origin
-          -how does it look like
-          -why is it important for me
-          -conclusion

When I sat down to write about an object that I love the most, which is the most meaningful for me, I had no idea what should I really write about in my paragraph. While I was thinking I realized that the most "valuable" thing is in my room, is exactly in front of me.
The object that I will write about is the clock hanging on my wall. At first, it may sound strange, but this is not just a simple wall clock. I got this decorating item for my 18th birthday from my boyfriend, although we usually give handmade gifts for each other. I was really surprised due to it was enormous and it was carefully wrapped in a huge amount of wrapping paper.
The reason it is valuable for me is that the clock has a special ”shape” with a lot of little frames standing out of the clock. My boyfriend filled these empty places with photographs taken from us by ourselves, our friends or relatives. The other parts of the clock are full of little notes, quotes and drawings, so as it turned out it was almost totally a handmade gift.
When I feel a bit down, I look through these pictures and messages to boost my mood and remind myself of the real values in our life.

My best friend

Outline: 1.) who is she to me
              2.) how I met her
              3.) physical description

I'm going to write a few words about my friend, Reni. She is one of my best friends, but I can say she is ,,the bestest". That is because we know each other's secrets, deepest thoughts, we even know what the other is thinking of. For me it seems like a miracle, because we only know each other for five years now, we first met in the opening convocation of high school. Ican say happily that we are best friends since then and no one can separate us. We are soulmates but we look completely different because she is a little chubby, she has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Our clothing styles are very different as well, I prefer sporty, comfortable clothes and Reni likes mostly girly clothes, skirts, high-heels etc. But in character we are very similar. We're open-minded, kind and we can talk nonstop. In conclusion, I think a strong friendship can mean everything, and friends our chosen family so you have to choose wisely.


- when did I buy it
- ukuleles in general
- future plans

I got my ukulele at the beginning of September. We went to a music store and when I saw the pale black body of this instrument I fell in love with it. The seller was so kind that she even gave me a pick made for ukuleles. Next day when we went back for a case and a holder that I can attach to my wall, she even gave me some discount for no reason, so I knew I got some good karma. Ukuleles only have four nylon strings and they are a lot smaller than regular acoustic guitars. They are lightweight and really easy to play on and even easier to carry around. I have a concert ukulele, but there are a lot of types of this instrument. You can even get the small soprano ones for really cheap - but do not expect a decent sound from an instrument that inexpensive. All in all I only got my little ukulele for 2 months now, but I already named her Grace and I know there is a great journey ahead of us and I can’t wait to meet other ukulele players in the future.

Descriptive paragraph about a match

Football match

In every team sports, there should be a chance where the teams can compete their skills with each other and this opportunity for challenging is called match in every kind of sports. But how does it look like, what the rules are in general; it will be discussed.. First, there must be a suitable place where a football pitch can be built. Then two goals are placed at the two side of the pitch in a certain distance. Additionally, this sport also requires basic equipments like the ball, different kits to distinguish the two team, football boots and so on. Every single match lasts up to 90 minutes divided into two equally length half. After the first 45 minutes, there is a break called half-time where the coach has a chance to inspire his players and give advices. Each team consists of 11 players during the match and there are several substitutions to refresh the team and increase its efficiency if it is necessary. The referee conducts the match with his assistants and they are supposed to decide in crucial times. Thus, their judgment can influence mostly the outcome. There are rules laid down to punish the harsh fouls that the players commit by giving either yellow or red cards. Apparently, the team who scores more goal than the opponent wins the match. There are much more detailed rules, which are important to be clear if someone really wants to play this game, but these are the basics. 


My boyfriend has blonde, wavy hair and big blue eyes. He’s got slipper chin and he is very slim but masculine. He is 4 years older than me and we are together for one year. He is a programmer, and in his free time, he likes playing PC games and skateboarding. He is very self-conscious and serious when the situation requires, but he can always laugh with me and make fun of things. He is really good at drawing, and he wants to start drumming. He is also into tattoos, metal and rock music, he loves going to concerts of his favorite bands. He loves animals, but mostly cats. Nobody would tell that he’s a cat person. He loves to eat sushi (so do I) and he likes and knows how to cook. He’s dream is to travel around the world together and to have a job at one of the biggest computer game company.

Sunday, October 29, 2017



-My first dog, Bosco, was the special one.
- Problems.
- Our best days.
- No other dog will ever compare to Bosco

Bosco was my first dog who was a brown American Staffordshire Terrier. He was so special because I had a friend who had the same type of dog but our friendship had fallen apart and I really missed them from my life. I was sad because I loved both of them. Therefore, Bosco was not just a pet; he had an incredible healing power too. When we got him, there were some problems. First week, he cried every night and I went to bed late. Fortunately, he got used to his new home. He was growing up quickly; consequently, we had to build a kennel. When he was freely in our garden, he always ran away and we were nervous. Visitors did not like him because he jumped and gave kisses for everybody. Our best days were in winter, when we played in the snow; on the other hand, he felt cold. We taught him tricks and showed to our friends. One day, he got sick; after some days he died and it broke our hearts. He was loyal, fun-loving, fearless and affectionate; he brought great joy to our family.


  1. appearance
  2. features
My best friend
    Her name is Anna. She is my sister and my soul mate too. She is seventeen years old and she is studying in Balassagyarmat.She is good at English and Hungarian literature. She has beautiful voice, she sings a lot(I'm really proud of her). People always tells that we are like chalk and cheese. Regarding her appearance she is small (just like me) and she has long hair and big Brown eyes. She is a very talkative and smiling girl. .Moreover, she is very funny, she has a good sense of humor. She is understanding and reliable, I can absolutely rely on her because I know that she never lets me down. I cannot imagine my life without her.

My laptop

            When you buy a laptop you have to choose correctly, because it will serve you for a long time. The outlook may not to be so important just the things that it holds in itself. My laptop is 8 years old in this december. I got it for christmas as a gift from my sisters. It holds everything about me and my life for example: pictures, documents for study, games or programs that you may use everyday too. I spend a lot time in front of it becase usually it is my studying partner and of course my television too. I have got a holder to it which is very useful becase it keeps it safe. Practically, in these days I could not live without it, and my experience is that nowadays this is usual for example: people use it for work, have fun with it and keep in touch with others.

Kiss Vivien

My best friend

Physical Object

One real friend is more important than 100 fake friends.

11.)    Everyone has their own story
a.       Being born in a foreign country , choosing your home
b.      Moving from one to another country

22.)    Find a person with the same background
a.       A friend who understands my story
b.      Have trust in someone

33.)    Having mostly the same plans in life

a.       Not just being a teacher
b.      Enjoy our life


Having someone trustworthy beside me.

Physical Object

One real friend is more important than 100 fake friends. Is a serious thing when you and your friend have the same story just in another form. Both of us were born in a foreign country. A hungarian girl who was born in Germany and a russian girl who was born in Hungary. Both of us had a time when we grow up in Germany and then went back to Hungary. I lived longer in Hungary than she did, but both of us moved here permanently. Moving to Germany and back to Hungary, and going through this procedure over and over again is very tiring. We never had a safe place , where we could live in and not worry about moving to a different place/city, but after we started attending University we can be sure in the fact that we do not have to be afraid of moving anymore, since we are obligated to live here form now on because of our studies. We had to live through difficult times,  by moving from place to place leaving behind friends and many other things, but this is why we understand each others feelings so well.


Outline: 1, appearance
              2, his name
              3, hobbies and habits


Bandita is my brown, middle-sized dog with black ears and big hazel eyes. He got his name from the shelter, because he was the worst puppy. He used to chew everything and he never did what others say. Now his behaviour is much better, but still he is the oddest and loveliest dog, who I have ever seen. One of his hobbies is stealing potato from the bag, which makes my mother angry all the time. He is also a big friend of our cats. They sleep together and spend at least the half of the day with each other. Playing with him is another interesting activity. He never brings the ball back. His favourite game is hide-and-seek. After I found him, he runs away and I have to catch him. If it succeeded, he hides away again. However, his best character trait is that, he is as kind as he would kiss the burglar instead of catching him.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Play Face Pal

 ”Play Face Pal”

      In my room people can find my dearest plush toy ever: the ”Play Face Lion”. This unique lion is a big, fluffy, soft toy. It has only a thin mane around his face compared to real, wild lions. Its eyes are lighting green from the rest of his face. Hovewer, the most interesting thing is its ”Play Face”. It does not have one, unique look; people can change it whatever they want. Hovewer, that is not the only thing which makes it special: it has quite small body compared to its head. Its legs are so small and people can not move them either. The body ends in a long, fluffy tail which is a little bit worned and torned by reason of the claws of the neighbouring cats. Altogether, this whole lion fills your palm. I got this precious gift from my parents to my eighteenth birthday, so I look at it with a cheerful memory, and he stares people at a smiling face every time when someone enters the room.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Moscow Watchdog


  • Little bit of history about the breed
  • Outside characteristic features

 The Moscow watchdog is very huge dog and hard to handle, but they might come in handy sometimes. They are similar to the St. Bernard since they were bred out from St. Bernard and Caucasian shepherd dog. In the second World War the Soviet Union needed hundreds of guard dogs to guard the surroundings. A dog breed that could survive the low temperature and be able to guard warehouses too. After the war these dogs were still held as guard dogs, but soon they became more common around houses. It is a large dog, usually they are around 40-60 kgs. Their fur is mostly black, brown and white, but the brown can be very dark, almost black or it can be very light, almost greyish. If trained right they make a very good family dog. 

Rádi Réka

Our Moscow watchdog during the winter. She really likes to play in the snow :)

Keep it close to your heart

  • the beginning of the story
  • the choice and the cause
  • the cause why this is her most beloved necklace

When this little girl was born there was nothing on her body except a warm blanket and a little heart shaped necklace. Back in time, in 1999, great grandma, whose name was Maria, heard that she will have a little princess who is going to be her great grandchild. She needed no more. That afternoon she grabbed her savings and went to her favourite outlet, which was, to be precise, a jewellery outlet. She knew well what she was looking for. She knew years ago what she will search for that day because she dreamt about a baby girl since her grandchild got married. She got that little tiny package and waited for 9 months. The day became, the little girl born and she was touched. She cried when she got the baby in her arms and after that she handed out that little package which she bought 9 months ago. And there was that, the heart shaped necklace. She placed it around her neck, then she kissed her and whispered to her "Keep it close to your heart.". Seventeen years later, the girl still worn the necklace every day. But one day, the necklace torn apart. That was that day when her great grandmother passed away.

My notebook

1)      the outside
a)       average, simply
b)      flowery cover
c)       recycled
d)      little creased àI keep it under the pillow

2)      the inside

a)       colorful
b)      memories
c)       examples
d)      why it is important

My most valuable possession is is my little notebook – it could be called a diary, but it is something different. Just by looking at the object itself it is an average, simple notebook. It has got a cover with colorful flowers on it, but does not look expensive or special at all. The pages are made from recycled paper, they are slim and not even white. Some wrinkles can be found on the cover, probably because I keep this notebook most of the time under my pillow. However, the inside is just as colorful as the flowers on the cover – every log entry is written with a different color. This is the place where my good memories are stored. I write down everything that had a big impact on me, everything that made me smile, laugh or just simply happy. Deep conversations, a family dinner, a walk in the forest or a hug from somebody important… These are memories to be grateful for, memories that belong to me deeply. This is why I keep it secret: because if you read this notebook, you are able to read my soul as well.

Gréta Móricz

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


  • How we got him
  • His outer characteristics
  • His inner characteristics
  • His (annoying) habits


Mickey is my dog who was given by one of our neighbours. He is a mixture of hungarian vizsla and wroughtweiler, however, he looks like a fatty little bear with his light brown hair. We have got him about six moths ago, but he grows so fast, that now he can open the door by jumping to it. In spite of being a playful, he often does a lot of mess, because he likes biting and tearing things apart. If he is tired, he sleeps in funny positions and he looks, as though he was dead. No one is allowed to enter to his territory - our garden - because of his fast and stealth attack for licking his prey or jumping to him, unless the intruder gives him something to chew. He is fond of eating and chewing strange things, for instance: our stairs, bench and anything, that can create a lot of rubbish. Despite all of his negative habits, we love him, because he always make us smile.
My best friend

 In this essay I will be talking about someone I have only known for a bit more than half a year, yet we have become really close to each other. Her name is Szilvi and she is my best friend.

We met about 9 months ago in Denmark, where we both went to study in a folk high school. I remember for days we wouldn’t even talk to each other and to be honest I would have never thought that we would ever become friends. After a few weeks, we found out we actually had quite a few things in common so we started hanging out together, sometimes we would go out and talk at night when we couldn't sleep. What I really like about her is that no matter how busy she is, I can always turn to her for support or advice, and also that I can tell her anything, she will understand. I know I can trust and count on her no matter what, and this is true vice versa too. Another thing that makes her a very good friend is that she is always up for a party. I think all that is really hard to find in a person, so I am very glad I have such a great friend.

The Red Hoody

     As I have already mentioned earlier in my last paragraph, I love symbols and all of my belongings mean me something important like this red hoody. To other people, it looks like a simple part of clothing but to me, it's more than it looks.
     Last winter, I received a part of clothing which was ordered on E-Bay from China by my father. It's a red colored sweatshirt with a hood and is made from cotton. There are some titles on it: two letters (D.O.) on the front side, a number (88) and a word (WOLF) on the back. These refer to my favorite South-Korean band called EXO and these kinds of sweatshirts are usually bought by huge fans of this band. The letters D.O. are the stage name of my favorite member Do Kyungsoo, "WOLF" on the back side is the title of the band's most popular song but I don't know what the number 88 means.
     I wore this sweatshirt more times during cold days but I had to leave it in my wardrobe because the weather was getting warmer. But during this summer, I used it as a part of my pajamas. In Mai, my parents told me that they would divorce and I was very sad. EXO, to which my red hoody refers, meant me the continual source of happiness because the band's songs are always about never giving up. Therefore I felt myself in safety every time I wore this sweatshirt. I got a feeling as if someone would hug me and say: "everything is alright". So if I feel lonely, I wear this hoody to boost my mood.

Monday, October 23, 2017

The painting

The painting

- the most valuable gift I have ever got
- what it depicts
- where it can be found

           It is commonly believed that getting home-made presents have more values than getting bought ones. After I came home from abroad I got a painting from my dad. It is such a meaningful piece of art, Budapest at night is depicted on the picture. It shows the view from my grandmother’s balcony who lives in the inner city close by the Danube and the Chain Bridge. The emotion of the painting is peaceful; however, the mountains and the sky are painted with dark colours, such as black and red. Because of its size I can easily put everywhere in my room, although it doesn’t have a frame so it cannot be hung on the wall. In conclusion, having this memorable object reminds me of my experiences abroad, my home and my talented dad who made me this thoughtful gift. As long as I don’t find a more important object, this will be the one I admire.

My hometown

-        -  introduction
-        -  places you can visit

My hometown is called Párkány, it is in Slovakia. It lies on the shores of the Danube, on the other side is Esztergom. The two towns are connected by a famous bridge called Mária Valéria. It was destructed during World War II and was rebuilt in 2001. On the list of what you can visit in Párkány, the first is the thermal spa Vadas. It attracts many tourist in the summer,mostly from the Czech Republic and Poland. The centre of the town was renewed nearly, they made a pedestrian street, placed two fountains and planted trees. From March to October there is a stage in the centre and there are several concerts and attractions to watch. The attendance to the cinema has increased in the past few years,because they started to play films in Hungarian,too.