Wednesday, October 25, 2017


  • How we got him
  • His outer characteristics
  • His inner characteristics
  • His (annoying) habits


Mickey is my dog who was given by one of our neighbours. He is a mixture of hungarian vizsla and wroughtweiler, however, he looks like a fatty little bear with his light brown hair. We have got him about six moths ago, but he grows so fast, that now he can open the door by jumping to it. In spite of being a playful, he often does a lot of mess, because he likes biting and tearing things apart. If he is tired, he sleeps in funny positions and he looks, as though he was dead. No one is allowed to enter to his territory - our garden - because of his fast and stealth attack for licking his prey or jumping to him, unless the intruder gives him something to chew. He is fond of eating and chewing strange things, for instance: our stairs, bench and anything, that can create a lot of rubbish. Despite all of his negative habits, we love him, because he always make us smile.

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