Monday, October 9, 2017

About myself

        If I were to talk about myself, I would state that I centre my view on life around helping others. I'm currently studying English to help others learn it, by teaching it to them and to try and communicate easier with the rest of the world. In addition, I try to live a minimalist lifestyle that doesn't hurt the enviroment.  To do this I simply do not consume or purchase any products that results in enviromental damage. Another thing that I would like to mention, is that I like entertaining people, which is another form of help in a way. Once a week I hold a weekly session of a table top roleplaying game, where I'm the rule master, coming up with fun adventures for the rest of the group. It helps me practise English both orally and written, which helps my initial goal, that is to study English. Not to speak about the fact that I bring joy to people coming from different regions of the Globe so they can go on with their day with a big smile on their face. I'm quite contended with what I'm doing now, but I would like to improve other aspects of my life as well, such as improving my physical capabilities by working out, pushing my limit. To conclude this, I really hope whatever the future brings me, I will find joy in it, while I sitll manage to give the most help I possible can. 

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