Friday, October 6, 2017

About Myself

I was always searching for that one thing that I’m good at. I felt like I wasn’t talented at all and had no goals in my life. I was so jealous of people who have already found that one thing that made them happy: whether it was drawing, running or taking pictures, at least they’ve found it. It wasn’t until I was almost 16 when I had this gut feeling that I need to buy a guitar. I already tried the flute and the piano, but I felt I need to try something new. I knew I would love it. And I was right. It was an amazing experience, because I learnt to play on it just by the help of online tutorials. I still love my little guitar to this day and I recently bought a ukulele too. I realised that it’s a key thing for my survival to always have a musical instrument at hand, otherwise I'll probably die.

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