Saturday, October 7, 2017

About myself

I consider myself an introverted person. This means that I am mostly reserved, focusing on my inner world. I love wondering about different topics open-minded and broaden my knowledge. I prefer deep conversations over small-talks, because there are always lots of thoughts on my mind. However, I tend to be unable to express everything that is in my head. I am often shy and quiet in the company of loud, extraverted people, because I am sensitive to extrenal stimulation in general, like sounds, and especially being forced to focus on many people at the same time. Social interaction can be exhausting for me, and for time to time I need to do something on my own to recharge, for example to read a book. Being an introvert does not mean that I am anti-social, it is just about looking at the world in a different way.

Gréta Móricz

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